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Racket stringing tips for beginners to PRO's

The first of what I hopes to be many racket stringing posts. I have been stringing for over twenty years and the last eight or so years have been stringing on the professional tour at such tournaments as miami, us open, australian open, and many other smaller venues as well. I have seen a lot of rackets and various string combination, strung a lot of rackets and strung on various professional stringing machines, learned from some of the best in the industry and now ready to share some tips for all. Please email me for questions or if you are curious about something string related, stringing questions, whatever. I also have another blog about professional racket stringing

a pic of me at the Australian open 09 stringing room celebrating australia day.

best regards
rackettec tennis

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Comment by Rebecca Cooper on May 3, 2009 at 10:55am
o I have a question. I work in a tennis shop and started stringing 2 years ago. I was told not to pull 2 strings at a time and just never did so. I was just curious why cant you pull 2 strings at a time?
Comment by Ed Mena on April 23, 2009 at 8:45am

I am planning to re-enter the stringing business after a long layoff from the game and stringing. A good friend of mine and I have been talking about teaming up and starting a stringing business. I have 4 years stringing experience from quite some time ago. I learned in a National Sporting Goods and then became very interested and joined the USRSA and purchased a Prince P-200 machine for my home business. I later went to work for a local tennis shop that strung a high volume of rackets and continued my home based business. My customer base included two private tennis clubs and one WTA player and everything in between.

My friend, has been more active within the last year. He bought a Silent Partner Electronic Floor Standing machine and began learning the trade via Youtube and USRSA tips.

Can you provide some advice on working my way into the Pro Tour as a stringer?


Comment by Ed Mena on April 23, 2009 at 8:44am

Great Site!

I am interested in purchasing a new Electronic floor model, maybe the Gamma 6500 ELS or 5800 ELS. Do you recommend a 2pt or 6pt mounting system? Why do you feel one is better than the other?

I know that 6pt will provide the best support to the frame which is a good thing, but may block out some of the holes in the frame. The 2pt obviously provides the stringer a lot more frame access and I guess would cut down stringing time due to simplicity. Is the lack of side support on the 2pt machines something to be concerned about?


Comment by patrick m on March 10, 2009 at 11:31pm
Dean, I wanted to answer your question about starting the cross strings, etc. There are 3 ways that I know of to actually start the cross strings on a two piece stringing. 1. you can install the first cross on top, tie off the knot (this only works if the knot you have is a good strong knot and not too small to slip back through the tie off hole, once tied off, pull the other end of the string (you are pulling directly opposite the knot, I usually dont recomend this because if knot slips then you need to start the cross over. 2. Install the first cross on top, use a starting clamp ( I will talk about this another time), and clamp your string on the outside of the racket with the starting clamp, and pull the string on the opposite side, only works if you have a good starting clamp that doesnt slip. 3. Install the first two cross strings, use a starting clamp on the outside of the frame on the top cross, and pull the second cross, this allows you to pull the opposite of the clamp and not cause to much force to be put on the starting clamp, the only issue here is that initially you are not getting your first two crosses as tight because of the double pull, so when you are done stringing the crosses, you go back to the top, add 5 pounds to the tie off and pull the top cross before tying off, this usually works great...
hope this helps.

Comment by Dean Wright on March 8, 2009 at 10:21pm
Thanks Parrick, The preweave really worked well, it added some speed. If you get time please publish on here how you string the mutifillaments, The mechancally challenged, like me can't figure out were you start and clamp the first two stings on the crosses. Is it top, bottom, or middle.
Comment by patrick m on February 27, 2009 at 4:47pm
Dean, thanks for the comments and questions. Yes stringing can be boring at times, and other times I have found it peaceful and energizing, especially when you have your favorite tunes on your IPOD and just stringing away, but after 20 rackets or so it definetely becomes tiring and boring!. 2 quick tips on getting faster, If you switched to a computerized stringing machine such as a Babolat, THe new wilson (you can read about in this months RSI, or on my other blog, ) . The gamma machines are ok too, you can go to Gamma 5800 ELS Racket Stringing Machine w/6pt SC Mounting System - ...gamma machines and check them out.

string tips

1. when using a set of 40 ft, measure the proper string needed for your short side (usually 5 racket lengths), and preweave your main strings prior to starting your first pull. These ideas will help you get quicker, If you already do this, email me back and I can give you some more ideas.
rackettec tennis
Comment by patrick m on February 27, 2009 at 4:36pm
Dean, thanks for your question. I have always found that stringing on a tabletop (especially a crank style machine) makes for a slower stringing. Yes it is true at times stringing is boring, especially after you have strung about 20 rackets in one day... not only boring but tiring, I have found that at times it is also very relaxing, especially when your favorite music in the background and its just you and the racket, it also feels satisfying when you completed a racket.

Ok now to your question about getting faster, besides getting a professional computerized machine such as a Babolat or the (NEW ) Wilson, which you can learn about in my blog or through the RSI magazine, or the Gamma machines are ok too. You might check the"> machine out. 2 quick ideas on getting quicker: 1. when starting short side, measure string so that you dont have more than you need, and preweave all main strings before starting your first pull, this will definetely save you time. Let me know how this works for you, or with more questions.
Comment by Dean Wright on February 24, 2009 at 12:08am
I have been stringing for 27 years, on a table top. I just do my own and a few friends, I have allways found stringing to be rather boring, and it takes to long, any tip on how to get faster.
Comment by Meags on February 21, 2009 at 5:29am
Hi Patrick
thanks for the post and your updates. I dont string myself but am still interested as I may one day get my own machine.
At the moment I have BB Alu rough/Tec X1 Biphase at 96 lbs (need to go up a couple of pounds) on new prince rebel. My stringer does a great job the string bed feels crisp. My question is that Ive heard the BB strings in this cool weather (UK) dont perform as well as when its warmer. Is this true and if so what would you recommend for these cooler conditions. Ive tried recently SPPP, Kirschbaum Touch Turbo, pro hurricane tour, non of which have been as good as the cold BB.
Thanks, Rich

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