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THE LOW DOWN: Nole returns to homeland, visits Kosovo

Novak Djokovic had some unexpected free time after falling in his opening round at the Miami Masters.

So the Aussie Open champ packed his racquet bags and returned to his homeland to visit the ethnically divided town of Kosovska Mitrovica in Kosovo where he was greeted by throngs of supporters. Nole made his views known recently when he released a YouTube video supporting a unified Serbia.

UPDATE: Here's what Nole told the crowd who gathered to greet him:
All my wins are your wins too. This place is really deep, deep in my heart, and I’ll come back here always, whenever I can and give support to people that need it

There are some moments in life when everything in your mind just stops. This is one of those moments for me and my family, for everyone who came today

It’s really hard to find enough time because of all the commitments I have as a professional tennis player, but I’m really happy that I managed to come here, because I know this is my homeland, my family descend from here, my father, uncle, aunt. My grandfather lived here for 30 years.
(images via

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Comment by tennis baller on April 4, 2008 at 3:11pm
"just don't hear many people call themselves professional tennis players, outright."

i wish i hoo
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 1:42pm
so where was his grandpapa originally from? interesting..
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 1:41pm
"It’s really hard to find enough time because of all the commitments I have as a professional tennis player" LOL for some reason that sounds like a really funny excuse... just don't hear many people call themselves professional tennis players, outright.
Comment by tennis baller on April 4, 2008 at 12:31pm
yeah he's conflicted like a lot of athletes - sometimes he speaks up and sometimes he says he won't comment.

the others don't really discuss it.
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 11:58am
Hmm.. I was proud of him for not seeming to want to be involved in the riots (filled with mainly people around his age) or all the other hooblah when he returned from the A.O., so hopefully he'll continue to keep control after disclosing his views.

I wonder what the other Serbian players' views are..

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