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SIGHTING: Terrell gives A-Rod support, Brittany's career could use some

Andy Roddick's new card-playing BFF Terrell Owens was spotted in the stands again last night to watch him defeat Federer in the Miami Masters quaterfinals. Could Terrell have been the lucky charm for A-Rod? The Dallas Cowboy footballer told the press in Miami this week,
He was really pressing, trying to get some wins in there instead of letting things flow [...] He’s on the cusp of really being that No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 guy. If he keeps pushing, letting the games come to him and try not to press so much during the matches, he’ll win. He just has to keep his focus.
Maybe. But I think getting his personal life together is playing a bigger role, which he eluded to in his post-match press conference:
I knew [the engagement] was either going to go one way or the other. Either [it] was going to be the end of me or ­­ if I would have lost the first round, or the reason I beat Roger tonight. I think it's somewhere in the middle. I think being happy and content off the court is only going to help in my mind.
Interesting - maybe those two things are related.

B-list (or C?) celeb Brittany Murphy and some suspiciously over-pouty lips were also spotted in the stands for the match. Could she be milking the tourney as a PR opportunity for a flagging movie career? I hope her publicist told her the match was being broadcast on the bumbling FSN Network (read: no one's watching Brittany.)


(images via Getty)

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Comment by tennis baller on April 4, 2008 at 9:24pm
i think she's just not a good actress.
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 1:40pm
B+ then. What's keepin her from A anyway?
Comment by tennis baller on April 4, 2008 at 12:29pm
you mean bottle-blond, right?

she's def not A-list - somewhere between B + C (not D cuz that's Kathy Griffin I believe)
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 12:04pm
OMG.. Terrell IS arleady in the stadium. Wow I feel as blonde as Brittany Murphy.
Comment by Andrew (Tampa Bay) on April 4, 2008 at 12:02pm
I was like "Terrell Davis?" (the Bronco's RB from a while back hahaha). Maybe Tony Romo should have Terrell in the stadium instead of Jessica..

Murphy is more like A-list lol. At least she watched some tennis? Nothin' wrong there.

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