Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

First real court time this year....

....overall I was really pleased. I met up with Tom V. from the Cedar Park Group. We played at the Cedar Park High School courts, 9am. Hit around for about 1 1/2 hours. Thankfully Tom was patient with me...consistency was never my high point and it will take a while to get that back! Tom has great ground strokes and was even gracious enough to give me some good pointers on the topspin forehand, which I really appreciated. He seems like a nice guy and someone I would enjoy playing again. We made tentative plans to play again next weekend. Gotta love this site, no telling how long it would have taken me to find someone to play in my own circle of friends. I've been locked into cycling and I think the balance of the two would be great for my game. My legs felt strong, like I could get any ball I went after (which of course at my age I can't!)....and I was winded at times but the cycling has me used to having my heart rate up for extended periods of time. All in all, it was fun and I'm glad I decided to get back into the game. My biggest challenge will be balancing my naturally competitive nature with just keeping the game fun. I think hitting and playing against players of different playing ability will be key for me. I like to play better players to elevate my own game, and I like to do the same for players newer to the game also.

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