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  • Mililani
  • United States
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Randy's Page

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Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
3.2 on a good day
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
I'm getting there.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player
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Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 4:15pm on January 25, 2013, Ilansrfr said…

hi randy you still hitting?

At 9:07pm on November 7, 2008, wendilou26 said…
hey randy, sorry I didn't get back to you. I've been really sick. It came on all of a sudden. I'll probably be out of it a few more days. we'll get together sometime next week. i'll give you a call when I know my schedule. wendi
At 2:33am on November 6, 2008, wendilou26 said…
hey randy, available for tennis thurs? wendi
At 2:02pm on October 6, 2008, wendilou26 said…
Hey Randy, U up for tennis tonight? Maybe we can check out the Mililani courts? Let me know. I can meet you at 530. Wendi 303-570-5737
At 12:49pm on September 18, 2008, wendilou26 said…
nice meeting you. I felt like I was just getting warmed up and we had to leave the court. we'll have to play at the rec center next time if you can get a court. let me know what day next week works for you.
At 12:27am on September 18, 2008, RC said…
Hey Randy, it's great that we were able to finally get together and hit a few. Sorry that it was too short. I'm sure next time it'll be much better. Nice meeting you.
At 3:40pm on September 16, 2008, Randy said…
What time - Wed. ? Sorry where is CORP?
At 12:53pm on September 16, 2008, wendilou26 said…
Would you like to play doubles at CORP Wednesday? RC is in if you know someone for a 4th.
At 12:47pm on September 9, 2008, wendilou26 said…
that works perfect for me for tennis. I'd like to hear more about your dives too. being new to oahu I haven't been yet. give me a call and we'll set up a time for tennis. wendi 303-570-5737
At 6:57pm on September 8, 2008, wendilou26 said…
let me know if you'd like to play at COR waipio.

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