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OK, what's up with this? This is a spin-off thread from the Tennis Pet Peeves thread. It irks me so much that I thought it deserved its own special spot in the sun. Clearly, the town and tournament is called Wimbledon but I have noticed that a lot of americans say Wimbleton - normally it is folks that are not really tennis fans and probably only say the word a few times a year.

I'm not sure, but I think people say it because it "sounds more british". There are more words that end with ton - like huffington, worthington, singleton, simpleton... Just remember this helpful rhyme: A simpleton says Wimbleton. :-)

You know who actually says it? and has no excuses? Nick Bolleteri!

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LOL! I do have to catch myself when I'm talking to players because they know. For some reason "ton" is hardwired into my brain. Wimbledon is slowly catching up but its an everyday struggle.
LOL! I was too lazy to go look it up. When Balliterry signs up for a Tennisopolis account, I'll learn the spelling that way. ;-)

racketeer said:
Um... it's Nick Bollettieri, but I bet you pronounce it right... :)
But you are spot on. I've always wondered about the 'ton'.
This is too funny. For a while, I thought I was hearing things (the "ton") when I hear a few of my friends pronounced it. It kinda made me cringe. So, I was not hearing things, many people do say "Wimbleton".
If only more of you were brought up on the Wombles of Wimbledon (wombling free!) Then you'd remember it!
No, i dont have a clue about what a Womble is. I wish the wiki had a picture. :-(
Americans could never speak our language properly so I can understand they may get the simplest of words wrong!
I dont know anyone here in UK who says, "have you seen that film Philadeltia" or sing that song "New Cork, New Cork" or even supports the Cincinnati Bengums!


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