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Where on your racquet hand do you suffer the most damage (blisters, calluses, etc.)?

I have just started getting a slight tear on the callus on the opposite side of my middle finger's knuckle (pushing into the ball).

Also been wearing down the side of my pointing index finger (all the wiper motion). And then the side of my thumb, changing grips from semiwestern/western backhand to semiwestern/western forehand.

Tennis is pretty rough on the hands, especially winter tennis at night! Where do you get roughed up? lol

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Had a slight skin tear on my thumb once, from serving.  Gotta keep the hands moisturized, especially during the winter.  Right now, the knuckle on my index finger seems to be getting bruised, particularly after some heavy hitting.

Sometimes, I think they oughtta design a tennis glove that doesn't stick too much and allows you to change grips. Just for practice...

I just think of the injuries as battle scars, LOL!  The gloves might effectively alter your grip size though, even if they were pretty thin.

If I had a girlfriend, she'd be complaining for sure. hahahah!

No hand injury cause

im all man!

But I Will share some knowledge. Medical tape for the fingers like nadal for minor cuts in the finger nails due to cold weather or calluses that have broken. Dont use it. There is a better solution. Water Proof Medical Tape. Waterproof Medical tape has benefits for tennis players.

1. its not restricting like a cast, waterproof Medical tape is Flexible and you can manage the tightness of the tape especially on and around the knuckels.

2. Kinda Sweatproof. you can wash your hands and it wont come off but then its still gross after tennis.

3. this is the big advantage for tennis players. ITs tacky like an overgrip. When its cold the sweat & oil in our hands that keep the grips tacky is not there. cause its cold.  and the hand/s are dry but adding the Waterproof tape near the calluses helps gripping the racquet better.

If you like this Tip please Tweet on twitter @tennisprocoachV better tennis fast and simple.

ah, that's a great idea! Well, I think it's because I switched to using Head Calfskin and a Wilson overgrip. Now, I gotta tape myself like med alert mummy. But that's great that it's tacky like an overgrip. I'm cheap, so I'll try to find it at the 99 cent store first.

Hail yeah. lol

All Hail CoachV at @TennisProCoachV


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