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Whats everybody opinion on the best thing to eat before you play???

Is it really Pasta???

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I would say pasta!!! then put a ton of sawdust in your pockets and leave a bunch on the baseline.... heeeee heeee heeee heee heeeeee
My Favorite is a banana & a scoop of peanut butter about an hour before the match. It's not calorie dense, and the fat & protein in the peanut butter slows the absorption of the sugar from the banana (allows for a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream as opposed to a big sugar spike from just eating a banana)
thats smart ill try that
Tennis is one of the most intense physical sports there is, at least once someone gets proficient enough to keep a ball in play for a respectable amount of time. I break from the notion that "carbs are the best source of energy", though. Foods that are very carb-centric (fruits, pastas, breads, cereals, etc) produce energy, but not sustainable energy for a long match. Walnuts, chicken, and other healthy fats and proteins produce as much energy, but typically last longer than fruit
or starchy carbs.

I'm not suggesting someone eat a 14-oz steak and then go play 3 sets, but with the right timing, eating a meal high in protein and fat a few hours ahead of a match is a great idea.
The best thing to eat before a match is nothing. If you have to eat then try some fruit.
Every one says Pasta
I like an Apple, it is instant water and provides a bit of natural sugar to get me going.
I heard on the tennis channel, many tennis pros eat pasta before and after a match.
Wheaties! lol Do they even sell that stuff anymore? I miss seeing all the big sport figures on those commercials!
I generally eat this very dense whole wheat bread/cake whether I am playing tennis or not......very good when you are on the go.......but also now I have been thinking about also incorporating a high protein shake which includes a banana and all the liquid vitamins and minerals I am taking along with fish oil.....
Wow Arianne, you sound like a very healthy eater! I've been wanting to get into high protein shakes but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Where would you buy the liquid vitamins?
hi mark....if you want to go into a store...whole foods has a good selection, but also you can order online shipping any size order...good discounts online on most major brands....but the liquid vitamin i am taking is found on my or a side biz.


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