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Mine would have to be either the Head IG Prestige Pro. This racquet does it all. Hits flat well. Spins the ball well. Stable, the right weight for me. Plenty of plow, control on the drives.  Great serving racquet, nice cuts on the volleys. 

The only thing that happened on my demo is the clear bumper guard came off on one of my backhand slices. I don't know if the material is not as strong as the standard black ones of last year and the years before. But I've never had it peel apart from the center of the top like that.

My close second is the Tecnifibre 325 VO2 max. I'd need a touch of lead so it would plow as well. The volleys all have to be sheared with back spin more than the Prestige Pro. Hitting them flat does launch them more, with a faster rebound angle. But everything else is great.

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2nd Your Emotion; isn't that a name of a song too?

Yeah, Smokey Robinson. One of my faves. lol

Ive got them the Wilsons PS 90 Tour

But What I Really WANT for my Collection is


Hah! I had the Mad Raq for racquetball. They were called Omega racquets. Was my favorite frame. Didn't know they had tennis ones!

I have the racquets I want already, but I would like to try this one:  Blackburne double strung racquet.  The ol' spaghetti racquet! 

What the heck is that supposed to do? Strings on both sides!

Their slogan is "They give you the edge, because they have no edge!"  In theory, everywhere on the racquet is a sweet spot, so it's impossible to frame a shot.  Unfortunately, these racquets are banned for use in competitive play, so owning them, at least for me, would probably be more for novelty than anything else.

All sweetspot? I doubt it. That must be some kinda mold they used to make them with.

a step above Lacoste's spaghetti racquets!

Is that what Nastase used and got those things banned?


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