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For me, it has always been slice serve out wide on the deuce court. My hero during my high school days was none other than John McEnroe. I learned how to hit it swinging out to the side of the box, three to four feet past the net at times.

Now as a forty year old guy playing, often times, twenty year olds and young juniors, I still can rely on the slice serve to make them run instead of the other way around. I still can make the backhand volley or hit the inside out forehand up the line. I am set to take chances on big serves on the ad side.

What's your best serve and why?

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To get it to go short and more angled, stay sideways a bit longer and snap it more. 

Yeah, the right side of the ad box flat (low % though) or topspin slice is killer. Mix the kicker in and that keeps them guessing the trajectory. Which one do you hit, Paul?

I love this thread, ad

Actually, I stay sideways longer if I want to hit to the right side of the box.  When I want to pull it to the left side, I come out of my turn sooner.

Hmm, I do it with a hard slice. Are you hitting yours flat or with top?

I never hit anything flat.  On serve, I hit with top spin to the right side of the box and slice to the left side of the box in order to get the ball to move away from my opp.

I do the same, but if I want it to be extremely angled, I will stay sideways as close to similar to the topper for the sake of disguise. I may let the ball drop a little more for greater curve, or to change it up, hit it nearly at the apex for topspin slice effect.


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