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Live in Albuquerque, 5,200+ warmer weather use high altitude balls....but came across league match and captain didn't "believe" in using. What is the official (or is there) on using? Is it anybody's / home team choice???

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I gotta scream, "Sportsmanship!". Sounds like a gamer to me. To get to your question, I'm not sure what overrides, altitude or host preference. How can you not "believe" in them. If you play at altitude for just 5 minutes, you see that nothing will stay in the court with regular balls, especially on a hot day like today!

Anyone know the rules here?
ok I like this one. I went and grabbed my "Friend at Court" USTA Rule book. IT says The balls must remain consistent through out a tournament or league. So ask your league committee. they will have the ruling,
Thanks Coach! Very very interesting! Gotta an email into league committee..waiting to hear...But, ALL matchess "up here" in ABQ in warm weather are played with high altitude. The coach even played in a tourney this weekend that I was in, told him he --WE ALL played with high altitude balls there ;) Since low alt is all they "play with" on their home court matches in league apparently this summer, could get a bit interesting.

CoachV - William Vazquez said:
ok I like this one. I went and grabbed my "Friend at Court" USTA Rule book. IT says The balls must remain consistent through out a tournament or league. So ask your league committee. they will have the ruling,
Okay, from local USTA, "The home team can provide any type of ball that they wish (high altitude or
regular). " Another thing to just watch for and think about though that is for sure...Thanks all!
Double check, because you are over 4000 feet.

Laura Kratochvil said:
Okay, from local USTA, "The home team can provide any type of ball that they wish (high altitude or
regular). " Another thing to just watch for and think about though that is for sure...Thanks all!
Hmmm...Is there something specific on 4,000 and above / temps, etc. on usage somewhere via USTA?
You need to check the altitude where you are playing. Note the following regulations are for play ABOVE 4,000 ft.

According to this is the 2010 Approved Ball List:

note the following under Ball: High Altitude:
Note: Pressureless Type 2 and pressurised Type 3 balls are also recommended for play at high altitude. See Rules of Tennis, Appendix I:

1 TYPE 2 (MEDIUM) This ball may be pressurised or pressureless. The pressureless ball shall have an internal pressure that is no greater than 1 psi (7 kPa) and may be used for high altitude play above 4,000 feet (1,219 m) above sea level and shall have been acclimatised for 60 days or more at the altitude of the specif- ic tournament.
2 TYPE 3 (SLOW) This ball is also recommended for high altitude play on any court surface type above 4,000 feet (1,219 m) above sea level.
3 HIGH ALTITUDE This ball is pressurised and is an additional ball specified for high altitude play above 4,000 feet (1,219 m) above sea level only.


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