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Does anyone have any experience with, opinions on, or recommendations for different tennis facility management software packages? I'm looking into software to handle lesson scheduling/billing for our club, and perhaps eventually growing into other areas, and I was a little surprised at just how many options there are.

If we go this way, we'd probably want to start simply - the easiest first step would be to use it to handle lesson signups, scheduling, and invoicing for our 3 pros, and import those invoices into quickbooks. Being able to expand to more features later (e.g. court scheduling, online payment, point of sale, membership management, league management, etc.) and such would be nice, but isn't a priority. Obviously price is something we're sensitive to.

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This is a great question, Patrick!

I suggest that you also post this in our Coaches and Pros group, then I will send a group message to all the members and see if we can stir up some good responses for you.


There are licensing fees with Bookings plus, But there are some Buy once ones as well. BUt if you can do minor programming you can use access or open office version which is free.

There seem to be three main classes of programs, all of which have moved online:

1. Country Club systems (EZFacility, Jonas, ClubSoft, etc.). Lots of features, different modules, very flexible and powerful, pricey. EZFacility, for example, said it would cost $149/mo for a system that scheduled 3 instructors and integrated with quickbooks. As I understand it, membership management, point of sale, online payment, court scheduling, and a mobile app would all be extra, quickly pushing the price up *well* over $300 a month.

2. Tennis-specific scheduling systems like,, and support a range of membership and court management systems, ladders, tournaments, and match-finder capabilities, can support online payment, and are less featureful than the country club systems, and at a more reasonable price point, about $100-$150/mo depending on what you're looking for. It's not clear to me how well-used or supported these systems are, however.

3. Fitness club systems like Mind Body Online and Zen Planner have less tennis-specific features (e.g. court scheduling), but support a very clean, slick interface, online instructor scheduling, online and in-person payment, different payment and membership plans, are well-used and supported, and generally cost less than $100/mo for what we'd need.

Any specific experiences with some of these systems?    I work with this company as an account manager.  Would you like me to call you, and I can give you some great service helping you to make a great decision?

Bill  (510) 909-3662


It may be worth your while to look into my company, Club Automation.  We were developed from the industry and handle all of the operations at a tennis facility.  We partner with many tennis clubs all over the country.  

Please reach out if interested - or (847) 597-1758



Hey Patrick,

My company, (, offers a full-featured solution for tennis facilities of all sizes.  You can use our Web-based application for member-management, point-of-sale, online reservations, billing, payroll and more.   I would love to chat with you to see if we are a good fit.  So, if you’re still looking, please contact me via e-mail at or via phone at 866-393-5620.





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