Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey fellas, you know who you are,

I have a new idea.  how about we marry the Leaderboard with the picture on the header (you know, where Oscar Wegner is right now).  If you make it to the top of the Leaderboard, I will put a picture of you on top of the Tennisopolis world. 

EDIT:  CONGATULATIONS TO TIM!  Prapong's in da house!

EDIT2:  TIM HAS HAD A GOOD RIDE SO FAR.  Let's run this contest again starting now and whoever is highest in 3 weeks will get the next header image!  This will go to whoever is highest and has not been on top of TO yet.  Good luck!

EDIT 3:  TIM WON AGAIN, SO WE LEFT HIM UP LONGER BUT... Now it is time for some fresh meat and we just couldn't ignore the freshest of them all - Coach V is our new poster child.  Congrats V!

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I am NOT putting your back on the header!

You trying to show off your a$$?

Haha! Nah, my hitting form. lol Well, I'll go out and take some pics from the front, Mark. hehe

Cool, get several different ones for me to choose from.  Get a couple fake ones like the Oscar one at the top.  these normally are clearer and easier to crop.


Alrighty-o. I got Connie volunteering to take pictures for me. I'll do some fake hitting ones too.

When will you be starting this? Have you come up with a main idea?

It starts now!

We are already going to give the first spot to Tim since he has earned his way to the top.  As long as he can get me a decent picture that works (maybe one where he is wearing a mask)  JK - then he'll go on top.

The next guy at the top in 30 days gets up there. So that would make the deadline 5/19 at noon (Mountain time).

You going for it Kyle?  I know CoachV and TennisWithD want it too.



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