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OK Folks CoachV here with an update on Fixing my "Elbow Cancer....."

For those of you who don't chat early morning or late night here is the update

"Elbow Cancer is not cancer but tennis elbow that doesn't go away with normal means"

I have had this problem with my elbow since 2003 it has been hurting me since, from minor pain to complete weakness of my playing arm......i have learned how to manage and manipulated my tennis technique over the years to reduce the pain. through this manipulation i also discovered how to coach and play better tennis.  I have had great success coaching, instructing & playing.....this year alone I am currently 8th mens open in GA and 18th in the Southern USTA mens open... but the elbow is completely damage now and im still beating kids 11 or more years younger than me. some of these kids are former Division 1 players.

Back in Oct 2011 the Elbow injury got worse & a new pain emerge..... now a more tradition tennis elbow was happening and I am not pleased......i loss sleep from pain the entire month of OCT and half of November..................

then i heard of tommy john surgery...which got me thinking about getting my elbow fixed once and for all with a 1 year rehab.....

after the 1 year ( if i do my work ) my elbow cancer will be gone...

I will have another update after the MRI I will try to obtain my Exrays and if i need surgery I will post PICs of elbow too !

I will have the x-rays up in a day or  2.

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Best of luck to you.  I will be watching closely, as I am also suffering a bit from this nonsense.  If it goes well for you, I may have to take a serious look into it.  By the way, I am glad it isn't real cancer.  I am dealing with that, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Good luck, keep us posted! 

Not a Dr. but is that bone that is poking down that is even with R SR writing touching the other bone. Is that where the issue is?

the problem area is on the other side away from the  R sr Sign. you can see a small dotattached to nothing floating

ahh that smaller light gray mass. I should show you my shoulder x-ray and MRI, stupid bone growth, impingement but been able to play through it the last few years, but was in massive pain like you for months.

Bone spur? That might be it. When will you know?

Man, oh man! That's why I can't be a doctor. lol


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