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How do you feel about USTA Leagues having variable points per position?

You may have received a survey today that USTA sent out to all league players asking about a new point scoring possibility.  The idea is that the higher positions, #1 singles and #1 doubles, would be worth more points than #2 and #3 for instance.  They have an online survey.  Here's the link they sent me:

Basically it looks like the idea is to prevent captains from stacking their lineups.  The survey asks how we feel about stacking; Is it fair? etc. 

What are your thoughts on all of this?

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The survey was too simplistic.  Points per line would allow weaker teams with few good players to play even with stronger teams, by winning the right match.  It's another not very well thought out solution. I predict "We listened, and you said you wanted points per line"  Um, yeah, like 4 and a half people somewhere wanted it.

Doing this would mean that the ratings would have to be very accurate.  That's a joke. Understanding the criminal mind as I do, my mind's eye pictures some captains recruiting players to overrate themselves to be sacrifice against a very strong team, hoping for a tie in the lower lines.  

I agree that the survey was too simplistic. 

And I think that even if the rules were changed as suggested, crafty captains would still work their hardest to game the system.  I'm not sure it would put an end to stacking.  Why have your top player play someone he always loses to?  In this case the cap'n would still put his strongest player in the second spot. 

But I disagree with you, Bill, where you say it will allow weaker teams to play more even with stronger teams.  It actually prevents this.  The stronger team would win #1 singles and #1 doubles and be off to a strong lead. In other words, a #1 beating a #3 in the number 1 slot is worth more points than a #1 beating a #3 in the 3 slot.  See, today both of these matches are equal. 

I don't think that the ratings have to be any more accurate than they are today.  The new system does not seem to be suggesting that the computer will know the difference in players abilities.  It is still up to the cap'n to set the lineup, but now he/she might be less inclined to stack due to the varying points.

Points Per Position Survey

Points Per Position (PPP) is a USTA League team match format whereby individual matches of a team match played would be awarded points based on position played. (No team point would be awarded in this format, and points accumulate throughout the competition. There is a possibility that a team match may end with both teams having the same number of points.)For example, the #1 singles position would be weighted to count some amount more than #2 singles and the higher doubles positions would be weighted to count more than the lower doubles positions. Flight winners would be determined by the total number of weighted individual match points won. If used at Championships, Finals, semi-finals, and 3-4 playoff match winners would be determined in a similar fashion, with potential ties settled with some kind of tiebreak or based on a format selected by the administration.

I like the idea......

This  is my reason why I like the will force many people to consider not to stack....that Means you must Win alll your lower lines or else you can be out.... it also forces good players to back up their trash If i say im the best then i should win all my matches in line 1 and earn those extra points.

Think about Davis Cup.... Basically 3 players can win the whole dam thing but there are still 6/8? players on the team.....

"A tie is like kissing your sister".   If your team is not in the playoff hunt, it's still satisfying to beat the rival club, or take down a playoff team.  But to TIE them?  Ick.  And when you are the team that didn't lose, it's not very satisfying to say, 'at least we didn't lose'.  

I agree with that.  Wouldn't you agree that with the new proposal ties are less likely?

What if your sister is really hot and a good kisser? LOL

one word

Angelina Jolie Kissing Brother on stage on TV


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