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I'm just curious where you guys stand in the argument between Blue vs Red Clay. I do like the blue look of AO, London and USO but blue clay?

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I'm for it. The top three are complaining about it, claiming that they've never played on blue clay before, but who has?  It might not be natural, but I think it evens the playing field a bit.  It also provides a greater contrast to the optic yellow/green color of a tennis ball, so us media viewers should be able to see the ball better.  Heck, the PLAYERS should be able to see the ball better!

I thought it was just the color that was changed. I don't think the color/paint will affect the bounce :)

Rafa said he hates the blue because it was both low visibility and the bounce is faster because of the color. 

I like the yellow ball on blue :D

Me too Chin!! :-)

It's actually not faster because of the color. They weren't using enough clay at the Madrid Open, which was making the court too slippery. That's what Nadal was complaining about.

The slippery surface was making the court faster. It works the same way with grass.

The blue clay look good for we viewers to see the ball better, let's wait and see how the king of clay comment on that. 

The color doesn't really matter too much. I prefer red clay to blue clay but either way is fine.

It looked to me like the ball was taking a lower bounce than usual.

Yes the bounce of the ball may change based on color, the grade of the clay might be different as in hard-tru vs Red clay- which is crushed bricks, ( technically ), plus Red clay will hold more heat than blue just as in color. ( in my opinion ). So if a blue clay is a bit cooler and a grade thicker it might play more like hard-tru which plays nothing like Red Clay which traditionally is a finer grade(also harder to maintain). then there is the visual learning aspect, tennis players of any level are great visually learners, so if you put a player in unfamiliar surroundings, they might not be able to hit the shots they want....this argument was also made by tsonga( following a brutal loss to nadal) about nadal always playing on the main court which plays differently than the lessor courts around the stadium, including distance between court and fence thus being unfair and favoring nadal.

So blue clay, i like!, there needs to be a new grand slam just for blue clay, so lets make the Australian blue clay.

I love the way it looks and you can the see the ball alot better then on the red courts. I think we shall get a great idea on the play of the courts once the players give their opinions. I would love to try the blue courts!

Adapt to the changes, and quit complaining (advice for the top Pros).  Tends to favor the big boppers and not the counter-punchers who can't adapt to footing.  The color improves the visibility of ball on TV which can be difficult on the red clay w/ camera angles in relation to the sun.  A nice change of pace.


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