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by Winston Plum on TW forum

I was actually going to write a post on this after the women's final. I'm so sick of many of the top pros' jacka*^ celebrations after they win a slam, whether it's Nadal's choreographed lying down on his back, Federer's falling to the ground as if he's been shot in the gut by a sniper, or Djoker's Incredible Hulk routine. Tennis is the most brutally zero-sum of sports. Whatever is fabulous for you directly correlates to what is horrible for your opponent. Obviously, all sports are like this, but one on one, out on the court, exposed, no dugouts or sidelines, something about tennis make it everything more so. So show some effen class to your fellow competitor.

That said, I'm starting to appreciate Federer's understated demeanor. I've always found him boring on court, not his play, but his demeanor, but at least during the match, intentionally or not, he's quite a bit more respectful of his opponents than most. I've been playing more and more tennis in the last three years, and during several USTA matches I've encountered idiots shouting "Vamos" "Come on", just like really loud, aggressive exhortations like we're playing at effing Wimbledon. I mean there's nothing wrong with pumping yourself up a little bit, but these ****ers are watching too much TV. 

Murray did it the right way. Took a minute and then went to shake his opponent's hand. And then didn't dance around prancing and laughing and climbing into the stands like a t**t.


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Like a what?  Like a twit, like a tart?  Like a toot?

Close but no cigar. Ol' Winston is a little more vulgar. lol


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