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Djokovic and Federer statistical comparison in their last five matches!

Player Djokovic Federer
Aces (Double Faults) 44 (10) 47 (8)
Unreturned Serves 151/410 175/449
First Serves In 69% 67%
First Serve Points Won 79% 79%
Second Serve Points Won 58% 58%
Service Games Won/Lost 68/4 73/6
Average Serves (MPH) First/Second 119/98 114/98
Returns In 74% 73%
Break Points Won 26/51 31/66
Winners - Forehand/Backhand 69/45 68/29
Unforced Errors - Forehand/Backhand 33/29 30/34
Serve & Volley Points Won 8/11 30/44
Total Net Points Won 88/135 126/169
Baseline Points Won 251/435 235/445
Time On Court 9:38


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OK, the biggest difference that jumps out at me is the Winner / Unforced Error ratio on the backhands.  Look at the imbalance on Fed's winner numbers from each side.  68/29   This means that you can attack his backhand, but Nole is pretty even FH and BH so you don't have a side that you can exploit.

Look at all those trips up to the net that Fed made. 126/169 as opposed to Djoko's 88/135. Fed has a better win percentage there. If Fed can make it a serve and volley game and game of angles, he will beat Djoko.


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