Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

after working with Brandon this week getting him ready for a tennis tournament this weekend gives out double donuts and has the #1 Seed 8am Sunday. Should he choose to warm up at 630am with me at my location near the tennis tournament or should he skip the warm up.

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here is the DRAW

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Warm up!

Ok we Did the Warm up, and I went to the Match he lost in 3 sets, 6-3, 5-7, 7-5, I Made notes on the Match that Brandon will blog about today. Hopefully, after he blogs about the loss, he will read the notes that I made about his match, and continue to ask questions about the match in his blog. that's whats new.

Looking at stats it looks like the second guy is higher ranked nationally, not sure why that other dude was the #1 seed, nice tough match. I'm tracking Brandon's progress on the TRN site, got one star  may have another soon.

well i have excluding brandon, about 6 boys & 6 Girls that i can take all the way. But Time, Money,Desire & Skills are all in the way.

Also the biggest obstacle is Ages, my most talented are 6 & 4 YOs, including MY Child. ( my Brat child, Relative to me trying to work with her in my groups ) . they are already hitting with regular tennis balls ( dead of course ) Rallying about 9 shots in a row, (I'm doing all the work ), and they are kids, not Athletes or psycho Academy tennis kids. They are there to have fun & knowing that i can get them better at the same time. the 6 to 8 Yo advance beginners play out points from the service line with serve and play about 50 to 100 points. there is no real tennis structure just simple 1 serve/1 point switch service and repeat.

 so its a weird mix cause of the scheduling. i can go from high performance with kids Brandon's age to Sesame street in seconds, and then back.


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