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This string is made of two different materials, one hard, the other soft. It is part red. part black. I really enjoy the pocketing capabilities and the ball does spin a good amount. I could really lay into the ball and expect it to cup and sink in the stringbed, while driving the heck out of it. It is very good for the arm, hardly vibrating at all. I use the 16 gauge version since I hit hard, full polyester setup. No need for a hybrid here!

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Thanks! I'll give it a try

which color did you use for the mains?

Two colors on the very same string. Think Neapolitan ice cream. lol

So there is a slight amount of tension loss on the second day of heavy blasting. Still feels pretty good.

Sounds like an interesting option.  Have you broken a set yet?  I wonder since it has two materials stranded together like that if it tends to break easily.

My third day of heavy hitting. Not even notched, but still feels very resilient and almost the same.

Nice!  How much did they cost you?

It was 14.99 at Racquet Doctor in Glendale. A little pricey but the performance is there. Plushy spin as opposed to the jagged spin that Solinco Tour Bite has.

Darn that jagged spin.  I've also tried rickety spin and wobbly spin.  I've had slushy spin and mushy spin, but not yet plushy spin.

The fine spin string tasting classes will commence this month. Care to try a taste of Barb Wire, Mosquito Bite, Tornado, and Stratagem? Or would you prefer the older classics in Blue Gear, Spiky Shark and good ol' Kevlar?

I'm afraid my taste in fine spin string is as of yet a bit unrefined, Mr. String Sommelier.  Kevlar frightens me in a way akin to that creepy, crawly feeling I get from scary urban legends.  I almost tried barb wire, but I was afraid I would puncture those poor, innocent tennis balls, and them furry spheres aren't cheap.  I have suffered many mosquito bites in the past, and still haven't caught the West Nile illness.  I live too far away from Tornado alley, and my stratagem for every match is to just blast away at the ball and pray they fall in.

Therefore, you must use Stratagem. lol


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