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Roger will retire.  It's a fact.  What will this do to the sport?  Will you enjoy watching tennis any less?

I'm old. I remember when Sampras was king (and before). I tend to root for the underdog. So I rooted a lot against Pete and Roger too.  However with Rog, I'm starting to root for him at this point. (Something I never came to do with Pete because he bored me.) Roger was so damn good for so long that many of us got sick of him winning everything. But his game is beautiful and he's a great guy, so I'm rooting for another major this year and maybe a Gold at the Olympics. Talk about going out on a high note.

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I will miss photographing him for sure.

If I need to choose between Nadal and Federer's game I will always stich with Federer. Nadal's movement is not natural as result of switching from his the dominant arm and creating a monster musle machine. Uncle Tony was sucesfull with results but in my book that can be called anti-tennis. I just hope that his game does not get adopted in a future by today's kids because we will get robots on a court. How many of you can bring some of his elements in your game? Try to crate the power shot by brushing the ball behind your head and moving your body backwards... good luck :)




The monster muscle machine. :-)

I know I will miss Roger!  Right now I rarely watch Major finals that don't involve Fed. More beauty will be taken away from the sport when Roger is forced to hang it up. I hate when people want change in sport for something  or somebody new. Greatness needs to be appreciated in its time as well as when it fades into history. Oh well once Rog' is gone that will another spot for another hard serving, forehand pounding, two fisted backhand academy clone. :-(

Even in the winter of the man's career take time to appreciate his "style with substance" game. It would be really lovely for Fed to go out in 2K12 with a Wimby and the singles Olympic gold. Let's really go to Fantasy and have him win mixed dubs with Mirka!

LOL @ Mirka

I like watching Federer play, I like his all court game and his one handed backhand.

I wont miss those dumb jackets he wears after the matches or his crying after he loses.

Okay so you lost the US Open final - get over it. I hope now that hes a father he can put

these things in perspective.

not at all, because what he gave us was Smooth and with a capital Mega SOOMTH, gracefulLNESS that inpired ideas to seek the variations off the things you do well.
Every sport has icon(s). Sometimes people love that sport just bcos of these players. Federer is stylish. He looks so smooth and effortless in his game. He can also speak well, not just english, but other languages. I too agree that he is not so graceful, when it comes to losing! I like the fact that Novak is playing well, but i dont feel like rooting for him, cos he appears so clumsy to me, his serving\hitting style. You can never hate Fed (unless you are jealous :). But for the game of tennis, we definitely need more Feds and Sampras. In the past era, we had several dominant players like Becker, Lendl, Edberg, Agassi, Goran etc..
Well said.  Federer is the best ambassador the game has ever seen.  He brings in new fans globally and here in the states.  The sport will surely miss him.
I will definately miss Federer.  You cant be the BEST forever!
Not at all man. Tennis is at its highest ratings right now. And Nadal has more than made his impression on the sport that even the most casual tennis viewer will still tune in to see his matches.
At the time when Sampras was No 1, even thouh I personalyI liked the guy, I just did not find anything interesting in Serve and voley game. After watching for 15 minutes I was soo bored that I will turn off a TV. Thanks to a women tennis I was still activly following up the tennis, because at least in their game were were ralleys to enjoy.


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