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Bad Tennis Business.....THE Rants..... Whats your experience?

Yes there are pros who blow smoke. & Act legit even though they are stealing court time from the public or the city. I call those pros scabs. They are not allowed to hold the court. IN NYC they got this ARSe HOLE on Canal St tennis courts.a Sleazy euro guy.

He is wearing a USPTA jacket from 1984( it looked like ) the Euro-peeing guy was dirty looking.

hes 1# on the wait bench/line. Then in 2# were to kids, 3# to adults, 4# me by myself with my jack krammer prostaff woody.  I ask all everyone on the line if I can hit with them for 5 mins because I was on bicycle and wanted to go riding too. All i wanted was to show off a bit then go about my day. then

The Epeeing guy lesson doesnt show up on time. Or the court he wants is not ready yet. so he sneaks over to the guys and gives up his court to the adults and not the kids.......

IM like ok....Then Court 1 opens up...the kids head over to it and start hitting. The Epeeing guy gets a phone call goes over to the kids and that asshole kicks the kids off.

The kids seemed Shaken up a bit. I asked them why did you get off the court....the kids told me that the guy said thats his court and they need permission to use it and that they are rude for not asking...this pissed me off..

I Leased tennis courts from NYC in the bronx When i was there so I know all the rules for parks & Rec there. So not only is this guy breaking the LAW but hes bullying Kids. I am Pissed. So i go over to the guy...

Hey the kids were next right? he said no that the guys were second not the kids even though I talked to everyone on line & they each told me different. OK..

So this Epeeing guy is on court on his phone for 5 mins doing nothing. I tells the kids im gonna try and get us on that court for five mins & give you a free lesson for your troubles. I go to the Epeeing guy and ask Hey can the kids & i Hit till your lesson shows up & he say IM waiting for a friend who will be here in 5 minutes & im not teaching a lesson...( BUll Shit ).... Another 5 mins go buy....No show from client...I go to the guy again and ask again. He tells me that he is just going to practice his serve & he is not teaching a lesson...I tell him hey you are breaking the LAW by holding the court & trying to teach a lesson.

epeeing guy is standing on the court for 20 mins un till his lesson showed. So I started bashing him to all the locals on the wait bench/line. one of them was his client. The client was supprised that he done that to the kids.I also heckled him during his lesson. I called the Parks Dept on him. I also watch him rip off his client. He made the Beginner woman to a 15min warm up before the lesson even though she was late. He made about $100 I think for that lesson...

I got on court and I let everyone waiting play with me on court. to bash the epeeings guy reputation some more to the locals.

I know IM not court police, but what that guy did was wrong. The eppeing guy was also scared of me... might have been because I looked like IM from the bronx too....& Yes I was out there to hussel

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Here is my Short List of Businesses & Pros I have an issue with Joby Ferary his Crappy Company ALLCOURT INC dont ever work for him. He also owes me about $60,000.00..

Then There is this GUY..........Michael David in NYC I will get info later

Then there is RMTC.. they owe me money

Then there is a 50/50 relationship for me with NYJTL in conjunction with RMTC

Ugh! A child molester working for Allcourt, Inc.? Well that's really not a good company if they don't do background checks.

As a general rule now I dont teach for companies that I feel are too corporate owned. I worked for only a month at a branch of MVP sports clubs teaching tennis. It was hell. Not only do they rip me off the rate they advertised (22 per hr) They cut it down by trying to say that I was only on court for 3 of the 6 hrs every day and payed me a different rate. I got treated like scum and they tried to say that even though my work day started at 9am I had to be there 30-15mins early to set up. I didnt get payed for that time every morning. The last day before I quit an incident happened where a little kind in a camp got a concussion. They tried to say that I did not take proper care of him when in reality I was the first one on the scene and got him cleaned up untill his grandma arrived. The camp director lady gave me attitude every morning so I did my best to avoid her. O and from a tennis stand point it was awful as well. Tennis wasnt classified to small groups based on skill level but for only TWO general age groups of kids. How do you do drills when some kids can even touch the ball and some kids are playing jr tournys in the same group??! No wonder that place has no tennis kids that show up. They threw a bunch of kids at us and said here you go "entertain them".... thats not tennis. Ok done with the rant...


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