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anyone... ?? Id like to work on my backhand... can you please help ?

hi there, ive been playing off and on... for a while my backhand.. is a struggle. id like to know where im going wrong.. on my stroke.. its a bit rough thank you sabi

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Replies to This Discussion I will need to see some video of you hitting.

If you have a video or description of what is going on, I can help.

  • sabi

    the main issue that ive got is when the ball is hit harder on my backhand... i tend to hurry my stroke so I loose control and accuracy on where to hit the ball i can keep it in but then a cross court shot just kills me

  • thanks tim...

  • Yesterday
  • Me

    Sabi, this is especially true for a one hander. I don't know if you have one or two handed bh, but the solution is to go to either a semiwestern or western grip so you can be ahead of the ball, esp. if it is coming crosscourt.

  • You also will not be hitting flat with the new grip, but with spin for control.

Changing the grip also means you will not go purely straight into the ball, but have either a small low loop, or a big high loop to bend the swingpath. Think figure eight.

you are recommending a western grip? On a backhand? Great if he wants to brake his wrist. ???????

There is confusion over what is called Western and what is called extreme Semiwestern. But it would be the following grip. This is the grip I use. You will not break your wrist hitting with this grip, provided you do not swing STRAIGHT and linear. You have to employ a loop to make this grip work, following a figure eight motion.Old schoolers don't understand this grip because they think linear, but if you preloop the horizontal plane, you can adjust the gradations of spin by going along a vertical loop plane FIRST.

the use of Western is more often used to describe a forehand. the grip you show would be called an extreme backhand grip. Anyway old school? oh you mean multidimensional yeah. I have taught Modern methods so to speak for quite some time even studied Yandells work, among others. Oh yeah years with Sven Davidson and others Old School. I Like that.

Read the following thread:

Plenty of talk about Western and Semiwestern backhands, and the confusion of the terms.

Gasquet, Henin, Kuerten and Mauresmo mentioned as well.

Thanks my old friend Granville Swope is a tester for TW, he is another old school player 5.5. No offense just been a Professional for over 30 years and trained champions so find it funny when being debated with. The appropriate response for this Backhand concern by the limited info available may be use the opponents energy and not add more variables. If your backhand is having issues, maybe a more abbreviated motion may help adding a loop may not. The Players mentioned are wonderful players that played on all surfaces but are clay court players and you have more time to add the loop you mentioned. I would start with the gentleman getting a feel for the ball. Not hitting flat but not having the addition of too much topspin when dealing with a heavy ball. Using the power of his opponent against him, Aikido  Backhand Hmm I like that.

Hey I don't mind someone using the shorter swing at the beginning and using something like the McEnroe backhand to come in and attack. I used to do that chip return and rally block, and then went to a more Edberg style long and flatter drive style. But I think eventually, after being in the game for 25 years, you want to be able to hit the high ones effectively. I didn't want to stay hindered and defensive on the high ones. I wanted to be able to put the other guy in trouble for giving me the high sitter or high dink stuff that has no power.

Sure, we should ask the gentleman what he wants, or even look at a clip before suggesting something. And I'm sure, Mark, if we met, we would actually like one another's game. But I am biased towards to that semiwestern/ extreme backhand/ "should be termed Western" backhand grip for all the advantages it has given me these last four years of play.


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