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Please opine..I would love to have a discussion about this as I think he's playing some of the best tennis he's ever played, but will he mentally choke in the finals of Grand slams like he can against the top 3 Djoko , Nadal and Fed.. Would love to hear your thoughts about this !

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I think he has a better chance because he does seem more aggressive. One of my favorite matches is the Rome final between Djokovic and Murray. The level of creativity is huge in that match. He was close to Djoko in that match.

With Fed less dominant and Nadal losing some psychological edge, Murray can definitely be Djoko's foil. Everyone should replay the Rome final before having a final opinion on Murray. He may not be the top dog or the GOAT, but there is still a chance. I would say if he improved his second serve, he has a better chance. The fitness is there.

I have no doubts that Andy Murray has the talent.  I think his is more of an issue with his head.  He can indeed be playing the best tennis in the world, but once it gets to the quarters, semis or finals of the Grand Slams, he just collapses to the pressure.  It is at those moments you begin to see him start yelling at his box, specifically at his mom.  It is almost predictable.  He is a head case.  Does he have the talent?  Yes.  He has proven that.  It is all mental.

Hey Guys !


You're right on the money there about fitness being there, I think he has one of the toughest conditioning regimens out there right now. I also think he never fears a player as much as he fears a big stage,so I can see him with some maturity getting over those jitters..I love his aggro right now for sure,so I hope this can be a djokovic moment for him propelling him into the Aussie Open straight to the finals at least before he pinches himself and realizes he's playing one ;))) 


Keeping my fingers crossed for this scottish ' chap ' ;)



It better be, because Murray's window of opportunity is not large, and if you are going to beat Joker, and/or Nadal, you are going to need some aggression.   He may have his best chance at a slam in '12, but he may come away empty.
It takes a lot of energy to root for Andy Murray as much as I do.  It also takes mental fortitude and a healthy amount of denial.  Go Murray at the AO!

This comment is so funny.Yes,it does take that kind of strength. May God have mercy on us murray-rooters ;)

Who's his current coach right now??
God ? ;)
I think it's his Playstation. lol
I thought his gf confiscated that, that's why he turned to the ' supreme ' power ;)
The redhead? She must be serving God's will. hehe!

Wait, did I miss something?  Did Murray proclaim to being a devout Christian suddenly?


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