Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network


Join us in the 2009 French Open Bracketology sponsored by Show your knowledge and predict the winners in the French Open 2009, or just have a fun time trying. The participant with most points from Tennisopolis wins a $100.00 gift certificate at!

The Tennisopolis community participates in an international tennis pick-em competition, a "Battle Of The Boards" where many different tennis forums from around the world face off to determine who has the best tennis fans. is the brains behind this great contest. The bracket is now set, just make your predictions here at and represent Tennisopolis with us! (Winner must have a Tennisopolis account and enter "Tennisopolis" as your team name to qualify for the prize.)

Entries are due Saturday night, so enter NOW.

If you need any help, ask mikeindo, ThePoet or me.

Good luck,
Community Manager

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Yeah, we have about six Tennisopolis folk who have submitted entries, so go pick 'em!! And quick, cuz the deadline is in the wee hours TONIGHT because - remember - Roland Garros starts on SUNDAYS these days; not Mondays like it has historically (and like the other slams).
You ended up with the biggest team (60), so well done - the team is mid-table after day 1 but BillBaker shares the lead with four players from other forums on 15/16.
Yay, Uncle Bill!
aaaah forgot didnt realise RG started Sunday so missed out!
So Bill, have you already perused the pages of freshpolos? Ahhh, but that might be getting a tad bit ahead of yourself! Especially if you didn't pick Rafa to win it all!

mikeindo said:
Yay, Uncle Bill!
Bill's still equal top after day 2.

Kudos to your bottom placed entrant too (I won't name them here) - the first entrant who has ever looked to have made sure of the 'lanterne rouge' after just two days! Somebody asked me who the one entrant who picked Rafa to lose in R1 was - it was this person. Then somebody asked me who the one entrant who picked Fed to lose in R1 was ... same answer.

In fairness, Marcos Daniel was giving Rafa a good battle for a little while! :-)
I love it - and I think that same, yet to be named contestant, picked Roddick to win it all! It's good to dream!
Here's a direct link to the results split by team.
I'm at even 200 at the end of 2 rounds. You'll be seeing me rocket to the top!

Steven said:
Bill's still equal top after day 2.

Kudos to your bottom placed entrant too (I won't name them here) - the first entrant who has ever looked to have made sure of the 'lanterne rouge' after just two days! Somebody asked me who the one entrant who picked Rafa to lose in R1 was - it was this person. Then somebody asked me who the one entrant who picked Fed to lose in R1 was ... same answer.

In fairness, Marcos Daniel was giving Rafa a good battle for a little while! :-)
this sounds great!
Did you get in Gavin?
If not, be ready for the Wimbldon and USO versions.
Acutally, join the group called bracketologists and you'll be kept up to date.

GavinC360 said:
this sounds great!


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