Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Anyone interested in starting a regular tennis group to play weekdays evenings 3.0 to 4.5.


I'm interested in starting a regular tennis time weekdays evenings. If anyone is interested in playing regularly, getting back in form and getting back in shape, let me know. The more the better. We can play singles or doubles or mix and match. Let form a regular group.


Views: 9695

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Nice Phillip, Good job.

awesome! great job phil!

thx Mike and Nhein!  sure feels good to come through!  Can't wait to hit wit you guys again soon!

I don't know guys... do you think Phil will still hit with us weekend hacks, him being a Riviera CC Champion and all now? :-)

Ha ha you're so funny rock if I won it was because you guys taught me so much on how to play tennis and I sure appreciate it

Farmers Classic Tennis event at UCLA. 

I just got a guest pass for a tennis friend to come with me to the Farmers Classic tennis event tomorrow July 26th at UCLA>  If you are a tennis fan like me, this is a great chance to see pros play.  I am happy to share this pass with some nice fun person who wants to enjoy the games with me.  I have only been playing tennis for 5 years but it is really a passion for me now!  

We would need to meet at UCLA around 11:30am since the tickets are for the 12 noon matches.

Send me info about yourself and contact phone number so I can talk to you tomorrow. 


I could sneak away for some tennis if that works for you.


have a free day Thursday August 2 so would love to hit some with you guys.  let me know who is available and when :)

I should be available all day.

Would anyone like to hit today at 4pm(July 31)?

Would love to hit at 4. Have to go to Sun Valley, and not 100% certain of return time, though It should not be a problem. Do we have each others' numbers to keep in touch with text as we get closer to 4? I think we do, but...


Cool.  Here's mine:  (626)298-4725.  See you then. 


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