Let me know if you have any recommendations for me on gear I need, or would maybe like to meet up sometime to play. I live in the San Gabriel Valley. Again I am brand new to tennis so if your looking for someone with a high skill level, I'm probably not your guy. Thanks
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hi Jay. Like most of us here choosing a racquet is very personal and a life long process. Some people I play with use the racquet they used 20 years ago. many are in the demo mode with Tennis Warehouse or Racquet Doctor and trying a new racquet each week. I suggest staying away from anything from Big5 that is less than $30 and reading a lot of reviews on tennis warehouse or youtube - there is a video review of almost every racquet out there now.
I pesonally played with Babolat pure drive, Yonex Rdis, Wilson Ncode, and others but right now am settled on a classic prince original graphite OS with natural gut. I have bought almost all my racquets off craigslist with great success and for a lot less than retail so if you know what you are looking for that a good place to start to get a racquet that might be a little higher caliber than the fathers day sport chalet special. Most of us played with what we had, figured out what we didn't like about it (more control, less power etc) and looked for a racquet know for those qualities.
I feel like i am just getting started as well and have a lot to learn. There are some great people on this list who I am sure could speak from experience better than I. I assume you already have a racquet now? if so what are you playing with? Happy to give you my two cents and recommend something once I get to know your game and style of play.
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