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Just moved to Pomona from the midwest, so haven't played during the wintertime...looking to get back into the game! 

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Ya I'm close to there, generally free after 3pm if you want to hit!

Great! which days are good for you? 

Monday, tuesday, or the weekends if you want to play after 5, other than that I'm good whenever.

Hey I left you a message, are you down to hit tomorrow?

hi, I'm also 3.5ish player. I can also play weekdays after 5 and on the weekends if you want to hit. Thanks!
Hey ya I'm down to hit. Sorry but I totally lost your message, hopefully you got mine?

haha i did! i sent you a text asking what time

Where do you all play?

so far just in Chino Hills, gonna try out Rancho tomorrow.

Where in Rancho Cucamonga are you guys playing? Im down to hit after work in the area around 5pm or 6pm.

my email address

Let me know guys.

Hey guys,

Anyone still looking for a hitting partner?

I'm around 3-3.5. Haven't played in a few months so i will be a lil rusty.

Riverside to Moreno Valley area, preferably RCC. Available almost everyday around 6-8pm.

Email add is Let me know!

Hey I'm down to play. I'm available on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays.  would you  be open to 5pm?

I am also around 3.5

my email is

thanks :)


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