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Anyone want to start hitting up by the Kastner courts? I haven't played in about a year so im more for doing some rallys rather than playing games to get my rallying game back.

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What days were you wanting to go?  I have played at Kastner before, just with a hitting partner and I like the courts there, let me know.

Any of the days between monday through thursday. Those are the days i have school. So anytime after I get out of class. It will have to be a day by day basis though because im on call.

I have class throughout the week as well, when do you get out of class on those days between Monday and Thursday?
Monday and Wednesday I get out of class at 2pm and Tuesday I'm out at 7pm and Thursday I get out at 4pm. How about you?
Tuesday and Thursdays im off. Monday and Wednesday im open between ten and four and Fridays im open after ten.
Are you at Fresno state?
No, city college.
Ok cool. I'll be keeping in touch. This upcoming week filled up with homework but well play sometime the following week.


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