Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey everyone xmas is near and on Dec. the 17th I will be throwing a xmas Tournament/ picnic, ill be grilling up some burgurs and hotdogs and other goodies, there will be 2 groups for the adults ( co-ed) and 2 for kids with "quickstart" format, 


and this will be all free! its my gift to everyone. 


If you would like to Play Please email me at 


or leave a comment


and remember its totally free so come out and just have some fun! 

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Replies to This Discussion

Are there for double games in the tournament? If so, I and my friend want to attend the tournament. Would you tell me the place and time to play? Where can I get more information about the tournament? Thanks.

NO Sung its going to be all singles, what is your email address so i can tell you the info ? 

My email address is Please email me. thanks

If enough ppl sign up we might change it to doubles

That would be great.

When and where will this tourney be?  I'm in for singles.

in Rancho Cucamonga what is your email ?

I didn't want to hijack the other thread .... Well i can get at least 3 teams maybe even 5! lol ... but i don't want to take over your get together with just our players...and i know you already have a few players who want to play singles...but there are also others like Sung and his friend who might want to play some dubs...


I will keep in touch the next few weeks to get updates from your end ... BTW... i noticed that the 17th is a saturday..what time were you planning on holding this event?



no worries man i dont mind who comes ! the more the merrier.... and all my players love doubles too, and since theres going to be a "beginners" bracket and 2 kids brackets it would make it easier to play doubles, if anything have it all mix up so everyone can get to meet new people and play with new people. and that group would probably play more towards the morning like 8 or 9 am.... ill message you my number and maybe we can hangout this week   


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