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My tennis future is pretty set. I will have my A.A. in about 6 weeks and am going to head down south to play some NAIA ball.

Sometime in the next 3 yr's though I would like to put some of my late mom's money into trying to chase a point.

All of the talk on coach V's pic got me thinking about the best way to go about this. Obviously, I will ask some of my buddies and post what they say here.

Pretty much anyone can get into the 128 qualies and this yr a couple of the 64 qualies would have worked. Obviously, here in california, it will be tough to get that point. Socal probably tougher. Worth playing bc it wont cost much to get there.

Where is a good place in the US? There probably isn't anything particularly easy in the US. What about somewhere more exotic. Where in the world is my best chance at getting a point?

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Woah! maybe Iran is off the list. I will see that Nader dude this weekend and talk to him about it.

I still have to talk to Witt, JB, and Ben.

I will report what they say asap




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