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looking for a 3.0 - 3.5 to rally with - near silverlake, echo park, hollywood


I'm looking to play weekends or weeknights.  Relatively new to tennis (between 3 - 3.5) looking to rally.


Views: 320

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Hey Chris, 

Im looking to play some long rallies on weeknights....3.5-4.0 (presumptively)

Lemme know if you're interested.

I can play most days of the week barring the days I'm on call.




Hye James, Chris, and all,


I'm new here to LA,  also a 3.5-4.0 who's looking to hit.


I'm free most weeknights, let me know if you're interested, thanks!



Hey Jonathan, if you feel up to driving to Plummer Park to play I am always looking for player. I spouse i could drive up there on the weekend sometimes too. anyway thats possible.

Hey there Jonathan!


I'm relatively new to tennis, and I'm local! (Silver Lake) I know you're looking for a 3-3.5 but if you don't mind I can go rally with you. If anything we can work on drills if you don't find my playing consistent enough but either way let me know if you want to play. Let's go out to the court so we can both improve! :]


Send me a message or comment back! Hope to hear from you soon!


Hi Jonathan, 

I have lots of free time at the moment so let me know if you want to play.. I am close to Plummer Park though. 

Hello Jonathan,

Are you available this afternoon? I am Beachwood Canyon and Franklin. I, too, am looking to Rally.


Hi Jonathan,

  Are you free to play this Friday night in Hollywood?




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