Replies to This Discussion
Hi Ivan,
It's on 143rd Ave & Rose Drive, there is a small parking lot in front of the courts. Send me an email at to confirm. I should be able to make it there around 6:30 Tues.
Hi, my name is LaHoma and I'm looking to for someone to play tennis with just for fun. I live in Hayward but can come to San Leandro, Alameda or Oakland. Work in that area anyways. Please email me so hopefully we can set something up.
Look foward to hearing from you,
If you are interested, I play at the Castro Valley Community Center courts, on Sunday at 10am. (18988 Lake Chabot Road, Castro Valley) Come by if you are interested.
Sorry for the late reply. I might be interested one of these Sundays, thanks.
Hi LaHoma,
This week's not looking good for me, will be in touch later.
Hi Lily,
I know it's been a long time. This Tennisopolis site has been very good in getting players together. The times that you mention on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are too late for me. Now that school has started again for the kids, the latest I can play 'til is around 8pm on weeknights. I might be available on some Sundays though, will let you know. Thanks for keeping me in mind, and happy playing!
I'm willing do play at 6:30 during the week or on weekends, but can you please respond back to my email if your interested. :)
Thank you
Any interest in doing some rallying this Sat morning or Sunday early evening? At or near Lake Merritt, Oakland, would be ideal.
Thanks! :)
Hello Nhien I'd be interested for rallies this weekend. In fact I was just there are Lake Merrit this afternoon:)
Let me know your thoughts.
See ya!
Hey, Tim! Sorry, I didn't see this post until now. Hmm. It appears that I only get notified of posts on my own page or to my discussions. In any event, I'm totally open to meeting up for some rallying. I'm not up to game playing yet. Also, playing this past weekend with Ivan who thinks he's a 3-3.5 makes me think I'm more like a 3, just as a disclaimer. :)
Hi Nhien,
I'll be running a 10k on Sat morning, and Sunday might go to Sacramento. I'll keep you posted, next week might be better.
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