Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey all (all, ha, as of right now it's just me, but I'm going to be optimistic)! My name is Erin and I'm relatively new to East Tennessee, living in Knoxville and working often in Chattanooga. I'm looking to meet friends to hit around with and talk about tennis. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in East Tennessee who asks the bartender to turn tennis on (pretty much a sin in Volunteer country!). Is anyone else out there? If so drop on by and introduce yourself. :)

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Hey I am interested in meeting up with a group and playing. I have played off and on (more off unfortunately) for years. I am definitely a beginner but after I play a while I get fairly decent. Let me know. My email is [edited by moderator]. Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon!!
I'd also love to join a group. I've also played off and on for years but always had trouble finding friends who wanted to play on a regular basis. I'm definitely a beginner but want to improve. I prefer singles but will play doubles as long as my partners have patience!
Hey guys! Now that the weather is starting to turn in our favor, I was thinking we should organize I time that we can all meet up and hit around and such. Any one interested?
I am definitely interested. Name the time and place!
Hi! I'm also interested in meeting up with a group and playing. I'm definitely a beginner but looking forward to practicing and getting better. Has any meet up time been set up yet?
I was thinking maybe we could meet up sometime this weekend or after work next week? I'm going to toss some days out there and depending on weather and interest we can nail something down:

Saturday, April 12: 2PM-ish?
Sunday, April 13: 2PM-ish?
Monday, April 14: 6PM-ish?

I would say to play at Tyson but the courts are pretty busy on the weekends and again that pesky $5 fee. Any suggestions? Feel free to email me: [edited by moderator] (we can get a chain going!) I respond much faster that way. :)
Howdy, just joined this place, anyone still active around here?
Hey! I think we are still trying to get active. Everytime we've set something up the weather has been heinous. I think we can drum something up here pretty soon though. How long have you been playing?
Hi :)

hmm on and off since high school, you?

where do you guys usually play? lol cant be that hard to set something up! UT pretty much has 3-4 courts available nowadays
Hey. Just checkin in over here. I'm still active and ready to play whenever, the weather is getting better every day! Hopefully we can get something going soon.
yeap weather is awesome now, so does everyone here actually know each other?
Hi Erin,

It is of my humble opinion that we should expand the advertisment of the website to a larger audience by posting some info at places where people play tennis. I think that if people knew of such a site that they will join. What are your thoughts?


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