Hi! im looking for a tennis partner. perferable young, in high school or college. around my age. Im an intermediate level player looking to play ad be much more. let me know if your interested.
Hey Karen, I saw your post about the park on Thomasson. I live in East Naples, I'm not that great, I need more practice, preferably with a female! my phone number is [edit by Mod - please share private info via PM if necessary.], feel free to text me anytime or call after 5. I can play anytime before 7AM or 5:30PM. Thanks!
im new to this site so i dont know how to work it, it didnt show your number. id love to hit with you but not before 7am. how about from 10-2, when ever days are good for you. I will be going out of town thought from thursday to monday or tuesdayy. so if you get this message in time, we can hit todayy or tomorrow at east naples community park. send me your phone number through my e-mail, whih is: ladykay0510@gmail.com. or text me.