Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Am just a rookie, but I love the game.  I am on vacation Jan 2 - 7 , 2011 and would like to play some ball.  I live in Oxnard and if any one is interested please reply.



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Hello!  I'm Mike, .... living in Ventura County (Camarillo) and would like to play some sets with someone experienced.  Please contact me back if you have a chance.  Happy New year!
Hello Julie, My name is Scott and Im looking for someone to hit with in the afternoons. I live on hollywood beach and can hit after 3pm. My email is . Cheers,

Just joined and looking for a hitting partner


hit me up :D

Hi Julie, new to tennisopolis and am looking to hit balls this week. plz email if interested.

Thank you


I'm up to play. I just started playing again and I'm really doing it for exercise and fun but I'm looking to get better and I can't seem to find a hitting partner.. I'm usually available to play mornings after work because I work noc shift, so around 8:15am. everyone I know can't seem to get up that early.. on my days off i'm available anytime and I'm usually down for a couple hours of exercise :)

let me know

I don't know my rating but I don't suck, I don't hit the ball like hercules either lol


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