Hopefully the title caught your attention. I enjoy Mixed Doubles and wondering if there is interest in adding a drop-in on the weekend late mornings then possibly going for lunch or coffee. If you are interested, let me know. Thanks.
Rick, thanks for answering Laurie's question. I don't have access to the website during weekdays. Yes the group meets Tu and Thurs, the later being our most popular. We are trialing the mixed doubles drop-in this Saturday at 1pm, 6/11 at DVHS.
I'd like to attend. This will be my first event with the group. Looking forward to it! Can you confirm - from the e-mail below you are meeting this Saturday 6/11 at 1 pm? Thanks.
I didn't get a popular response for the Mixed Doubles, but those of you who did reply, I will meet you at DVHS Sat Jun 11 around 1pm. We will mix and match for doubles and perhaps grab some coffee at the Peet's coffee down the street. See you on the courts.
Ok, not a good turnout, but thanks to Karen and Sharon for attending. We played some Australian dubs. Got some great feedback from Sharon so I will rethink Mixed dubs to make it more popular.