Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

I just got the credits to roll on mario tennis =)

I played topspin and worked my way from futures to challengers

My director plays virtua tennis

How do you guys like tennis video games?

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I  only have the wii sports game which has tennis on it.  But I'm going to go get Topspin 3 for the PS3 to play with Joseph.  You should get it to.
I played wii sports a time or two in our kids club. I got way better when I learned the net guy can hit it too!
MD, it's topspin 4 the new one. 
Is this a 360 game? Is it sick?

they have it both for 360 and ps3.  Yes it's pretty sick.  detailed, good improvement from previous games.  you are required timing for your shots and the earlier you are on your spot, the better the hit and options you have.  just like in real tennis.  :-)  .


JS, why don't you enlighten the peeps here with Myesha's post on how to beat lefties?  :-P

get it for PS3 so we can play it online! 
I won my eBay bid for Top Spin4 for the XBOX360.  I should be receiving the game within 3 days or so.  Go get it John & Joseph, we can battle it up hehe
Im in


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