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Is awesome!

Sandbagging- the art of playing in a division that is easy for you to dominate.

Why? Because these leagues have post seasons in cool places :)

I think it is most prevalent in the USTA leagues. When I moved to sac I could win every 5.0 tournament but couldn't make the 5.0 team I wanted to be on.

The best sandbag I ever played was connor olson in a 5.0 (#1 for sonoma state that year, and the next, and the previous) I was pissed at first, thinking he is not a 5.0! But the truth is you have to beat everyone sometime and when people lose to me that is the first thing they say.

The best sandbag I have ever seen was eric holmes (davis player) playing 4.5

Best expierence being a sandbagger- I was playing the #1 5.0 in norcal. On my way to beating him 6-0 6-0 we got in a screaming match. From baseline to baseline he yelled "you sand bagging POS you are not a 5.0!" (Saying I am too good) I told him, "no. Your not a 5.0! Your terrible" We have played against each other since then and he apologized. (I won that match too)

Has anyone ever lost to a sandbagger? Has anyone ever played the roll of sandbagger?
post your stories here!

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Update; I joined a 9.0 mixed to sandbag. My teammates have taken $300 in lessons and got me botttle service last night. They paid my tteam registration. They only want me to go beat Lodi. They got rained out and that team was mean to mine. So my team got a ringer, me, to play one match. 14-16 people are coming from my team to cheer with beer, margaritas... sand bagging is awesome =)
The match is saturday at 11pm in Lodi if anyone wants to come... roll out
Sandbagging exists at all levels. Or maybe it is just overlap.

I am killing everyone in this clay league but first place is worth $250:

I just started sandbagging for a 9.0 mixed team. I have done $300 in business with the members of this team.

Adrian bohane or to me anyone better than eric roberson has an atp ranking and is on "tour" and yet eric roberson is going to finish in the bottom half of my indoor league? No one ranked around 1000 is going to make a living competing

haha well sometimes you have to if you want to play on a league..

I played college tennis in san antonio and I wanted to play on a league really bad after I was done with college..well

there were not that many people my level so many times they wont even let you play! I am not sure how you can get away with sand bagging or how they figure it out..

There are some people that just love winning so they dont care if they are playing tennis or pictionary..



I played in NorCal and there it seems all the college players rate themselves at 5.0, ex college players 4.5 - really other than conditioning there was not much difference between 4.5 and 5.0. I played college (many years ago)  and play the occasional tournamnet just for fun- and yeah I probably get accused of (reverse) sandbagging !!!
Yup.. that's how we roll around here. What is reverse sandbagging?
And 5.5ms barley exist
Mike... welcome to the sandbagging club brotha =) tell me you won that mixed? My 4.5 client lost his 8.0 district match. You have been wwinning everything... sandbagger! Feels good doesn't it? =)
Hahahaha thanks bro.  I wasn't in the line-up today.  Their playing tomorrow again and I'm not in the line-up tomorrow either.  There's another match Sunday and the captain said the line-up will depend on how they do tomorrow.  I guess they've done so well without me that they don't need me hehe.  I read your reply on advancement qualifications for districts etc. and I'm thinking I'll probably be playing Sunday so I can qualify for Sectionals if needed.  Damn that sucks dude lost his district match.  Maybe he wasn't getting the proper training from his coach because his coach was always on Tennisopolis.  lol  Just playin' man!  I guess it does feel kinda good to be a sandbagger lol
He lost because he doesn't get how to take over a doubles match. But he still is doing good. Making a 3.5 to 4.5. Run in 2 yrs was no joke
You gotta have a good mindset. When I was getting killled 1-5 last night I just kept telling myself he can't be THAT good or else he would be in spain or wherever the pros are now.

My thought is always "he can't be that good, he will come back to earth. Not...
"That guy is not a 5.0!" As soon as you think that your dead


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