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looking for a 3.0 - 3.5 to rally with - near silverlake, echo park, hollywood


I'm looking to play weekends or weeknights.  Relatively new to tennis (between 3 - 3.5) looking to rally.


Views: 321

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Jonathan,


I live in Hollywood and am a 3.0-3.5 player as well.  I typically play at Plummer Park, which is on Fountain, just west of La Brea.  


I'd love to hit with you.  Give me an email at [edit by Moderator - please use PM to trade personal info]


Hope to hear from you :-)



Hey man,

Hoping to hear back from you. Maybe you'd like to hit this weekend? I could come up your way or we could meet down in Hollywood. Whatevers clever ;-)


Hey Connor,

I'm a very experienced player, but not very much in shape. I have been playing all of my life, but not seriously since High School. I am 36 years old. I am only looking to get a fun cardio workout full of long rallys. If you're interested let me know.



Hey Conor - sorry for the delay in getting back - I haven't checked the site in a while. If you're up for playing this Sunday May 1 let me know.


Hey John,

I'm a very experienced player, but not very much in shape. I have been playing all of my life, but not seriously since High School. I am 36 years old. I am only looking to get a fun cardio workout full of long rallys. If you're interested let me know.




I'm available to hit with you if you are still looking for partners....

I'm assuming you're replying to me??


If so, let's do it. I'm available from Thursday on anytime.


hey jonathan, level is similar to yours. live in west hollywood. lemme know!

hey i can play in hollywood about a 3.5 here

hit me back


Hey Brett - I'm up for playing this Sunday May 1st if you're up for it.


sorry i dont know why i didnt see ur reply

best to txt 310-855-4877

Hi Jonathan & others,

I'm a 3.5 looking to do some hitting at plummer park in the evenings.  Let me know if you want to meetup at the courts.




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