I am looking to put together about three to five 4.0-4.5 tennis players to play twice a week in the evenings in Berkeley and (possibly) grab some beers afterward. If you are interested just let me know and we can find a time to hit around and see how we get along and if our skill levels match. Once I have found a good group of people we can try to organize some steady times to play.
I'm 28 and was a grad student before moving here to Berkeley with my girlfriend, so it would be great if that reminds you (somewhat) of yourself.
Just send me message and we can find some time to play.
My name is Kristi and I would love to start hitting/playing again. I am 27 and played in D1 tennis in college. I am probably around a 4.0/4.5?? Have no idea really...Anyways, I'm available o hit any evening and definitely down to get a beer after! Not sure if you have your group all set but let me know. How does this even work? I randomly gave a lesson the other day and really want to get back into it!
Someone needs to actually organize something, it might as well be you! I'm a low-mid 4.0 myself. If you're a pro, you probably need more of a challenge...
Anyway, out of town for the next couple of weeks, though could play Thursday (Oct 28th) after work (in Berkeley).