Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Anyone interested in starting a regular tennis group to play weekdays evenings 3.0 to 4.5.


I'm interested in starting a regular tennis time weekdays evenings. If anyone is interested in playing regularly, getting back in form and getting back in shape, let me know. The more the better. We can play singles or doubles or mix and match. Let form a regular group.


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Count me in for Wednesday at 7pm as well! Looks like there is a Tuesday thing happening is this thread which I can't make :-|
If it's ok with Rock, let's do Wednesday. Looks like we have Andy, Phillip and myself.
Phillip wanted to play earlier. Not sure if he is in for 7 pm or not. Phillip?

or if you guys can play earlier. Either way is okay with me.
I'm happy to do earlier as well. Shall we say 5?
I can try to be there by 6:00.
Hey Rock. wow great to see good responses on the board. why don't we meet at 5pm and start hitting and see when DRND arrives. sounds like a great play so we are confirmed for Nov 10th 5pm tomorrow (wednesday) at Arroyo Seco - Rock, Andy, Phillip at 5pm and DRND at 6ish. If more people come, can you get multiple courts rock? I might be able to bring a friend as well.
Hi Phil,

I can probably get more courts if needed, or we can swap out. Note that as of my last time there, the first time they asked, they might want a $10 fee to play for each guest.

I can also see if my neighbor wants to come at 5, so we will have 4 people at 5 and can play doubles. When Nhil arrives, maybe my neighbor will be done or we can just play round robin with someone sitting out every few games.
is there any way we can verify if it's going to cost $10 per person? that's a pretty expensive practice fee - we should consider public courts instead if we can't bypass that.
I'll have to call them. I'll let you know. There are courts very near that are public if they are open. Will let you know. I'll tell them you are all prospective members and it would be in their interest to let everyone see and play at the club. It's just good business. I'll let you know what they say.
Well guys. Not impressed. The girl who runs the club I just spoke to on the phone and explained. She says she has never heard of Tenninoplis which seems strange, but anyway, I told her I had rounded up a group of guys and that if she would wave the fee for tonight, they all might be potential members. She said I had two guest passes each month. I used one with Phil the other day, so I only have one left. It would be $10 each for everyone but one. I was not impressed that she would not even consider waiving the fee one time for new players, not good business sense.

Also, they have just one court at 5 available. I did not reserve it until hearing back. As well tonight, they have organized mens tennis from 7 pm. - 9 pm, just what we are doing pretty much. It is drop in and play. $10 for guests and they set up doubles or singles matches depending on how many show up.

So, let me know what you want to do. There are two lit public courts right around the corner at the corner of Mission and Orange Grove, Orange Grove Park, just a quarter mile off of the 110.

Let me know.
I am fine with public courts since it sounds like it is going to be difficult to lock down each week and they don't seem willing to work with us. Can you send exact address of the public court? i can't imagine there is much tennis traffic at 5pm on wednesday??
To Courts: Google map; "842 El Centro, South Pasadena, CA" you will see the courts across the street. It is less than a mile from where we played at the club, closer to the Pasadena Freeway.

They do give city lessons on some days, but not today, I just checked, so I'd say good chance the courts will be open. See you there at 5, Phil?


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