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So I feel as though I'm pretty out of the loop as far as string technology is concerned. Two years ago, I bought a spool of Head synthetic guy 16g and have been re-stringing with that ever since. I feel like I'm missing out on some game-improvement from newer technology.

These days the tour players are doing crazy things with their strings: different cross and main strings, weird tensions, new materials, etc.

Anyone care to update me on the latest in this often overlooked part of the equiptment?

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Luxilon is the best overall string i have ever used, that being said, there are soooo many types of strings because people like different feelings..I hit the ball hard, so i go with a more durable string. Usually when you go durability you lose a bit of "feel" When i teach or am playing around with members i will use a racket strung much looser with a thinner synthetic string like Prince lightning. This to me is a fine string for most club level players. Good durability and great cost.
I would highly recommend Pro Supex if you like Luxilon. It's the most popular string in Europe, and is slowly entering the US Market. It's much cheaper than Luxilon, but plays very similar. I used them upon a recommendation from someone on the USC tennis team (their entire team uses it.)


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