Does it depend what kind of match you are playing? Are you calling lines in a friendly match with buddies differently than the lines in a USTA Adult League match or in a WTT match? Do you see this as a matter of character? Do you care? Do you want to win with whatever means necessary? Is winning more important than anything else for you?
I try to call them the same regardless, but I do have a tournament mode--when my opponents start to call it tight, I will call it tight...and that's a serious glich in the matrix--that's my previous coach in my high school. it's the eye for an eye. I tell my students to not do that in social matches--and I also try not to do it in social matches--but we've all been in that social match where it gets really, really serious--and everyone is calling it tight--but at that point, it's always interesting to me to see how my opponent reacts when I give a call that is as tight as the call he gave me--sometimes there's a mutual consensus of sorts and sometimes, they actually have the gall to question me. When that happens, I say it simply--I thought it was out. and that's sad...