Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

My wife and I are both 3.0 players. We play 3-5 times per week out at the awesome Diamond Hills tennis club in Oakley.

Anyone care to join us for some casual competition? Single or doubles, we're game! :) We're about 20 minutes from Walnut Creek, out Hwy 4.

We string racquets too, by the way. Our info is online at

- Perry

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I live in Oakley (near Main St. & Burger King area), I am not a member of Diamond Hills, but would love to play! Do you both play during the weekdays (a.m./early afternoon?) least until Jan. 25th I am avail. during the day, after that it will have to be in the evenings after 5/6 pm....Sat. I can make arrangements to be avail. with notice! I have played before, needing a little more warm ups...not sure what my rating parents @ their prime were avid tennis players and got me exposed to it young... I organize a women's fitness group but not many have expressed interest in tennis... :(
This time of year I like to play in the early afternoon when it's warmest. It's so cold out there at night! lol That said, I do play at night too, when I have to like for my league matches and practices. Andie (wife) plays with me on Mondays and Tuesdays usually. She's a 3.0 player, that's the rating for us hackers. :)

Are you available today at about 2pm?
Hey Perry,

I wouldn't mind playing you guys, I live in Oakley also, but can't play during the weekdays, I work in Emeryville and usually get home late. I can play weekends though. I was under the impression that you need a membership at the Diamond Hills club to play at those courts, if thats not the case than I can play. Is there a high school or other courts in the area to play at? thanks.
Hey dude, yeah you do need a membership to play unless you have a 1-day guest pass from a member. I get 3 of those per month. I think all the courts at the local high schools are open to the public on weekends. I've never played at any but I know people who do. There's also a decent public court right by my pad here in Brentwood. I played there all the time before joining up at Diamond Hills. I have a USTA match and team practice this Saturday and Sunday but I can probably play with you the following weekend. Let me know!
Freedom High School is where I would practice at, they have quite a bit amt. of courts (uncovered unfortunately) and even 2 of the courts have 'walls' for bouncing off of, that is where I'd practice (during dry days)... Off of Empire Ave. (nearest cross street is Cypress Ave./Laurel Rd.) in Oakley there is an uncovered court within the park (Crockett Park) is another one I'd practice at, but unfortunately there aren't any walls so I'd have to "find" someone to practice/play with... I am not sure of any other courts in Oakley... Liberty High School in Brentwood has tennis courts too believe... Heritage High School in Brentwood would have courts? Of course Los Medano College in Pittsburg (off Loveridge/Leland Ave.) has accessible uncovered courts (just would need to pay daily parking of $2.00??)... I am always on the look out of courts, plus I am a long-time native to this area! I'll keep ya all posted on any I find... :)
I am avail. to play: Mondays (anytime all day), Tuesday afternoon (after 12 noon...I go walking in the a.m....), Weds. afternoon (after 2 pm), Thursday early afternoons (after 12 noon...I go walking in the a.m...).
I don't know when the last update of this post is but I'm starting to get back into playing again. I can play from Concord to Antioch area. I'm just looking to get my groove back. I was a 4.0-4.5 player but it's been 7 years. Anybody on this thread interested let me know.

Chichibu Park off Longview Drive (nearest x-streets G Street & Lonetree Way, kinda in the vicinity of James Donolan area) in Antioch...They have lights for evening play, plenty of parking on both sides of the park (G Street/Longview Drive)...not sure of how many courts are within the fenced area....


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