Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

It seems that everyone is pretty much here for the same thing, but it is nearly impossible to find someone to play with. I know it's not just me as I have confirmed this with at least 2 other people. Does anyone actually find this website useful?

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its hard because at least half the people on here are actually trying to use tennisopolis as a dating tool, not really for tennis, so thats half the people gone....

then of the remaining amount, about half aren't prepared to go anywhere but their home court, at the exact time that suites them, so that kills off a lot more players

then of that remaining amount, most are pretty picky in trying to only choose tennis games they can win.

so at the end, it leaves very very few people who just want to play tennis.

the end.
I also think instant gratification is at part to blame as well. So many times i see posts of Available today between 3 and 5 posted at like noon. So basically that gives people 2 hours to confirm, cause if no one has contacted them by 2pm that person is making other plans already. I have played with two other people from this site since I joined in march (i think) one I regularly play with and the other I have met up with one other time. I think if I came here more often, I would contact more people but with the one regular guy It makes it easy to just call him up.
Hey Marty,
Sorry it's not going well. Maybe it's the time you're available and/or your skill rating. I've found two regular partners through this site who I play with weekly. But, yes, I had about 3 or 4 flake while I was searching for people to play with, so I know it's not all good here. My schedule is very tight, so it was hard at first to find people to play with, but now that I've found these two partners, I'm also not looking as much as I used to. And like someone else said, I can't do those, "wanna play today or in a few hours" requests.

So, what's your skill rating and when are you available to play?
I'd like to play but often find that things need to be done without notice, and I may be unable to play when "so and so" wants to play.

Sabrina said:
Hey Marty,
Sorry it's not going well. Maybe it's the time you're available and/or your skill rating. I've found two regular partners through this site who I play with weekly. But, yes, I had about 3 or 4 flake while I was searching for people to play with, so I know it's not all good here. My schedule is very tight, so it was hard at first to find people to play with, but now that I've found these two partners, I'm also not looking as much as I used to. And like someone else said, I can't do those, "wanna play today or in a few hours" requests.

So, what's your skill rating and when are you available to play?
I agree, bunch of posers for the most part
I've had a lot better luck with local tennis leagues. Granted you have to pay to play...that's the part that sort of forces people to contact each other "to get your money's worth."

Its funny that someone mentioned people using this site as a potential dating tool though. Come to think of it...a lot more guys do seem to respond to postings by girls. That being said I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to coincidence. :)


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