I a available to play tennis mid week or weekend and there are courts very close to my house at cambie and 20th, vancouver - although i am willing to travel aswell.
email me on sam@traveltheearth.net or call me on 778 869 2807 .
Permalink Reply by Ben on April 11, 2008 at 1:24pm
Hi Sam,
my name is Ben and I am in North Vancouver, 33 years old. I am also keen for a game. There are loads of courts over here are aswell, but I can travel over there too.
My number is 604 626 1675. I am in intermediate level...not a star but not too bad either.
Hey guys. I live on the north shore too. I am English/Canadian and love to play to keep me in shape. I'm an ok player with one or two good shots in my bag Fast serve but not technically brilliant. I'm well up for a game if either of you fancy. Just give me a shout - edmundgrimshaw@hotmail.com