Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Welcome to WindyCityTennis Players!

When I joined Tennisopolis, there wasn't a group for Chicago yet so I had to right that immediately and started this group, so thanks for joining!

Lets all get to know one another. Tell us about you:

What level do you play?
Where do you play?
How often?
What are you looking for?
Are you interested in league play and tournaments or are you just looking for fun, friends and great exercise?

Views: 131

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Hi all,

I just moved to the Roscoe Village/Hamlin Park area, and there are 2 courts located at Hamlin. I used to play tennis in HS and have played on and off since then (10 years or so). I have never been ranked, but I am a fairly decent player. Unfortunately, I have not gotten out this season because of knee surgery, so I will have to build back up. I play for fun and am looking for folks who don't take things too seriously. I am available most evenings and weekends and am willing to rotate courts if that works best.

Hi - I think I play at something like the 3.1 or 3.2 level with occasional flashes of brilliance (or luck) at the 3.3. or 3.4 level.

I live in WIlmette, and I'm looking to play within a few miles of Wilmette (Evanston, Skokie, WInnetka). Outdoors.

I'm ok with both just hitting around and keeping score. I'm competitive, but a frequent and gracious looser.
Hi Windy City Players! Anybody interested in playing with me? I am probably between 3.0 and 3.5, but it has been a while since the last time I've played. I live downtown and am willing to travel so long as it's accessible by public transportation. I'm a casual player, just think it's super fun :-) Probably best to email me at I'm not sure if I'll remember to check this website.
I am a real beginner, but want to get better faster. Do you have member that want to help out the neophyte? I am also taking classes at midtown as well?
I am not at this site often, if you want to help write to
Ntrp 3.5 who plays all over the city and surrounding suburbs. I play at least once a week. Just looking for players who will push me to become a better player. I live in Roger's Park
Back playing after a 15 year sabbatical....playing at 3.5 level or there abouts....I play at Rush Copley in Aurora and am a member there.

Right now, I am playing singles one day a week, taking a private lesson every other week, participating in 3.5 team drills on Mondays and am on the Rush Copley 3.5 men's team.

I am looking to meet more people in the tennis community and this seemed a really good way....

I am open to playing in leagues, tournaments and just for fun.
Hi, my name is Jeff. My level of play is probably beginner to intermediate. I live and work downtown and usually go to the Grant Park courts to practice. I'm looking for someone to play and a chance to meet some new people. Now that the weather is cold I would like to meet someone at the Mid-Town Tennis Club for a match. We could split the court fees. Contact me at the address below if you're interested, thanks.
I am a relatively new player looking to get better through more play. I am a member at Midtown and EBC. If you would like to play, contact me at

I am also interested in Paddle
i also used to play a lot in high school, but it was about ten years ago too. if i had to guess my level i'd say 3.5 too. i just moved here a few months ago, so i'm looking for someone interested in hitting around for fun, and definitely league play when i'm back into it. i'd love to play as often as possible, maybe 2 or 3 times a week. i live in roscoe village, but work out in schaumburg so if anyone is interested in hitting around let me know at

Cheers Gwen.
I just joined tennisopolis today and linked onto WCP.
Hello to everyone on another frigid day in the Chicago land area.
Nice to be part of a community of tennis players/fans.

I am a 4.0 tennis player. I look forward to playing outside soon. Where ? Anywhere and as much as possible.
I want to get involved, connect with others that enjoy everything about tennis, and work off this winter hibernation. Interested in some league play, tournaments etc....
Most importantly to enjoy, have fun, make friends, and get back into shape.
Warmest regards,
Hi I am not rated, but have been playing on and off for nearly 7 years. I did take a break from tennis for a couple of years.. But now have been active since September 08. I want to continue to improve and need some partners to hit balls with. I do have a strong forehand, but a flaky backhand. I usualy play at UIC or on the courts of Chicago Ave behind the Water Tower. I am open to playing in most parts of the city.

I am a 35 year old male with skill level 3.5 looking for a tennis partner to play very early in the morning (around 6:30 am) or in the evening (around 6:00pm) during weekdays. I usually play in Dunbar Park, UIC, or Armor Square Park. Other places would be OK as long as they are not far. Please hit me up if interested

Have a great day



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