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Away from the game 4.0 player looking to get back into playing regularly, but finding it hard to find people to hit with consistently.

I'm open to hitting anywhere close to the Red line (Metro), but stay in Chevy Chase and know of courts within walking distance for me.

I look forward to hearing from hitters.  I would really prefer 3.5 to 4.5 hitters to play with.  I'm rusty, but will knock the rust off quickly.

Mike (407) 342-6890

Views: 212

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mike,

I could play with you at Fort Reno Park some time which is very close to the TenleyTown Metro station on the red line...






Yes, I've hit there.  Not sure if all the courts are the same, but the lower court sucked.  It has a weird surface on it that was both dead and lively.  Let me know when you're available.


I’m in the 3.5-4.0 range and eager to hit more. This weekend is good for me, or Mon or Tuesday after work (545 or 6 pm). Bethesda/Chevy Chase High School courts, off E-W Highway near Wisconsin, are one possible place. Jim - 646-319-4701.


There are couple courts off Western, I can give you the address.  I'm open to hit other places, but limited to where I can walk/metro and walk.  These are fairly close to my hotel and Monday-Tues sounds good. I'll text you the address later today or tomorrow if you can hit then.


Sounds good.

Can't play Monday after work, but Tuesday is good.

Hi Mike,

I'm a 3.5 just down the red line in Van Ness.  I could play at Fort Reno or at the Forrest Hills Park just off Connecticut.  Would like to set up a regular game on a weeknight evening or maybe Sunday morning.


Hi Rob,

It looks like we're in the same area. My closest court is Fort Reno. I could play evenings or weekends....




Are you still looking for hitting partners.

I'm a true 4 or 4+ level play and willl be in the USA from July 3-11 in Bethesda.

I'd be interested to play either Saturday July 4 afternoon or Sunday July 5 morning. 

contact me at


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