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Looking for 3.0-3.5 Rally Partner to Hit at SF's Golden Gate Park Weekend Mornings

Looking for 3.0-3.5 Rally Partner to Hit at SF's Golden Gate Park Weekend Mornings -- Tony

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Hey Tony. I'm about a 3.0 and am looking to hit around too. Would you be available on the weekdays after work hours too?


Yes, I'm actually in the East Bay . .  but I like to go to SF especially GG Park, where there's so much going on . . . the best for me is weekend mornings . . . this weekend morning . . . say, SUNDAY, is ideal.  I think there's a weekend cocnert going on in the park btw -- the annual strictly blues concert -- but to me, that's part of the fun of going to GG Park to play tennis -- and enjoy the scene.  Parking will be enxt to impossible to find btw -- but I'm with it.

Ill be away this weekend but let try to meet up sometime next weekend if we can. Cheers. 


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